A Phase 1 Study to Evaluate Safety & Immunogenicity of rVSV-Nipah Virus Vaccine Candidate PHV02 in Healthy Adult Subjects
About the study
A Phase 1 Study to Evaluate the Safety and Immunogenicity of rVSV-Nipah Virus Vaccine Candidate PHV02 in Healthy Adult Subjects
Who can take part
You may be eligible to participate in the study if you meet the following criteria:
Inclusion Criteria:
- For Booster cohort only: received PHV02 (or placebo)
- Healthy, adult, male or non-pregnant, non-lactating females
- Given written informed consent
- No clinically significant health problems
- Agree to avoid conception through Day 29
- Agree to minimize blood and body fluid exposures to others after vaccination through Day 29
- Agree to avoid exposure to immunocompromised persons after vaccination through Day 29
- Agree to avoid employment in industry involved with livestock after vaccination through Day 29
Exclusion Criteria:
- Signs or symptoms of acute COVID-19 within 1 week before vaccination.
- Prior infection with Nipah virus or suspected Henipavirus
- Healthcare worker with direct physical contact with patients
- Childcare worker in direct contact with children 5 years old or younger
- Household contact who is immunodeficient, or on immunosuppressive medication
- Hands-on food preparation job
- Primary care or treatment of cattle, horses, llamas or swine
- Hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV-1, HIV-2, diabetes, atopic dermatitis (eczema), chronic inflammatory disease, autoimmune or autoinflammatory disorder, malignancy, chronic or active neurologic disorder, ;
- History of severe reactions to any vaccine or history of severe allergies
- Receipt of another investigational vaccine within 30 days or a licensed vaccine within 14 days (live vaccine within 30 days)
- Known allergy to components of PHV02
- Injection sites obscured by tattoos or physical condition
- Significant psychiatric or medical condition or laboratory abnormality on screening
- History of Guillain Barre Syndrome or any chronic or acute neurological disorder
- Alcohol or illicit drug abuse within past 5 years
- Pregnant or lactating female
- Administration of blood or IgG within 120 days preceding study
- History of blood donation within 60 days of study
- Unwilling to undergo diagnostic evaluation of rash (skin biopsy, if indicated) or joint symptoms (athrocentesis if indicated by joint effusion), in both cases if acceptable to subject
- History of chronic autoimmune/autoinflammatory disease
- Elective surgery planned during the study period
- Subjects who have not adhered to and do not agree to adhere to local and institutional guidelines for COVID-19 prevention or testing
- Any subject from the Pioneer/Full cohort who experienced a hypersensitivity reaction to study vaccine or a single clinically significant Grade 3 adverse event or serious adverse event, unless deemed unrelated to vaccination, will be followed for safety and immunogenicity, but will not be eligible to enter the Booster Cohort
Study Locations
Enter your ZIP code/Postal code/PIN code to locate study sites near you:
How to Apply
Contact the study center to learn if this study is a good match for you.
Study’s details
Nipah Virus Infection
Age (in years)
18 - 60
Phase 1
Participants needed
Est. Completion Date
Mar 31, 2024
Treatment type
Public Health Vaccines LLC
ClinicalTrials.gov identifier
Study number
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